søndag den 31. januar 2010

"Bedste individuelle præstation"-prisen til MUK 2010

Deltagelse i MUK 2010 i går:

Det gik rigtig godt med at spille og jeg vandt prisen for "bedste individuelle præstation". Ros fra dommerne var bl.a.: "fantastisk vokal, behersker mange teknikker, tryllebinder sit publikum, skaber en stemning.."

Det var en rigtig fed aften og jeg vil desuden takke Kenneth Larsen (guitarist) for hans evige støtte. Det er fedt at spille med dig!

Tak til alle dem, der kom og viste deres støtte.

torsdag den 28. januar 2010

Already over 150 views on website

Hello everyone!
There are already over 150 views on my website - in only 2 days!
It's amazing and I'm so happy.
I really appreciate that so many supports me.
Thank you!

onsdag den 27. januar 2010

Eva Lucia, Nykøbing Mors d. 5 marts

I forbindelse med arrangementet "Lyd for Luft", spiller Eva Lucia koncert kl. 20.
Arrangementet finder sted d. 5 marts på Musikværket, Nykøbing Mors..

Listen to my music on Facebook

Hello everyone!
Now you are all able to listen to my music on Facebook..

mandag den 18. januar 2010

First concert with Eva Lucia

This Saturday I played my first concert as Eva Lucia with the solo project "Simplicity".

It was a fantastic night and amazing to express and show what I have worked on in a year.

It was lovely to sing my songs infront of an audience.

See photos from the concert on myspace...

onsdag den 13. januar 2010


Hello everyone!
Hope that you are all doing good and are happy. Even though, there is snow every where, the world blossoms... :)

You are now able to read a detailed version of my biography.
It is on Myspace and Facebook.
Yours sincerely,
Eva Lucia

Finished a new song...

Yesterday I wrote a new song. I was in those moods, where you can't figure out, what your' doing or what your' thinking.

Those thoughts turned into a new song and a beautiful one!

It has the title "Nothing" and will soon be recorded.

It's full of atmosphere and deep thoughts about life and its meaning.
It is a long time ago I wrote a song, so it was a wonderful feeling being able to do that again..

- Eva Lucia

onsdag den 6. januar 2010

Working on a new song...

The last couple of months, I've really been recording a lot and focused on that. Now I'm writing again and it's wonderful..
Right now I'm working on a new song and I'm really excited about it.
It's full of inspiration, uniqueness and thoughts.
Quite philosophical indeed.

I'm happy..

Yours sincerely,
Eva Lucia

tirsdag den 5. januar 2010

Eva Lucia on Youtube

Hello everyone!
Now I'm on Youtube with my first video and a new song called "If I could fly into the night".
All music and lyrics are selfwritten.
Enjoy :)

mandag den 4. januar 2010

New songs on myspace

Hello everyone! I have uploaded 3 new songs on myspace profile:

I would delighted if you wanted you check it out, listen to my songs and maybe write a comment.

The songs are from my album "Simplicity". I recorded it in autumn 2009.




Now I'm on LinkedIn.


søndag den 3. januar 2010






Here is a link to my myspace-page:
All words and music are selfwritten.
Photo: Kasper Palsnov

My first blog

Hello everyone! Here I am, ready to start blogging..
Here is a tiny presentation about me, myself and I:
I'm a Danish singer - music is life, love and inspiration.
I write songs about the things which inspire me - the things that keep me awake in the night - the people in my life, the love and the situations I experience.
Love, nature and simplicity are important words to mention...
Follow my blog.
- Eva Lucia